Dawson was born in Canada, but grew up in Coeur d’ Alene most of his life. Growing up in a musical household, his parents introduced him to piano, guitar, and drums. Still young and forming a high school band with his two younger brothers, he showed interest in audio engineering, mixing, and mastering. After graduating high school in 2010, Dawson’s band was signed to a major label and spent the next 7 years touring the world. Living in rural Coeur d’ Alene, and just out of high school, Dawson struggled to find creative minds to showcase his band visually. So he decided to take up video production and learn the ropes on his own. He starting filming his band's music videos himself and gained a following locally and globally for his efforts.
After years of travel, Dawson noticed he had a passion for listening and talking to others. In 2019 he decided to take a break from touring and joined Integrated Interventions to have a change of pace. Starting as a night staff mentor, he gained an appreciation for Integrated and how they focused their efforts on young adults to grow in the community. In early 2021, he was promoted to marketing and multi-media to expand the presence of integrated in the area and abroad.
With experience as a mentor, and years of audio and video work, Dawson is able to work with students and our team to provide quality media content to show the efforts of Integrated Interventions as a whole.